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17. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. 1. We … (already to give) our projects to the teacher.
2. Sandra … (to do) the shopping before the New Year Eve.
3. You … (not to phone) me by the end of the week.
4. I… (not to try) such a delicious cake before.
5. … your sister … (to reserve) the hotel room beforehand? — Yes, she … .
6. … Mr Smith … (to discuss) that problem with his lawyer? — No, he … .
7. Clara … (never to be) to the Pyramids before.
8. … you … (to take) part in this festival before? — No, I … .
9. Mark … (to finish) his work by 6 o’clock yesterday.
10. … Nigel… (to find) any information in the Internet by last Tuesday? — Yes, he … .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 i am a student.

2. he ( she, it) is in the street.

3 i was at school yesterday.

4 we( you,they )were at school yesterday.

5 he( she it) was in the  park.

6 you, we, they  are  in the classroom


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