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добрые люди:) Вставьте глаголы из скобок в Past perfect или в Past perfect continuous.
1) Tom was exhausted because he ...(work) in his shop all day.
2) Lucy ... (already/leave) the cafe when Joh arrived.
3) My friend wanted to come with us but she ... (not/finish) her homework.
4) My relatives ... (live) in Paris for five years before they moved to Bonn.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1) How long had you been waiting/were you waiting before the train arrived?
2) Sheila went/had gone out with her friends after she had finished her homework.
3) We couldn`t leave the lab until we cleaned /had cleaned the culture plates first.
4) My sister lost her keys as she was walking/had been walking to school.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. d) 2. c) 3. c) 4. b) 5. a) 6. c) 7. b) 8. a) 9. a) 10. b) 11. b) 12. b) 13. a) 14. b) 15. b) 16. publish (публиковать), alone (единственный, один), musicial (музыкальный), university (университет), lollipop (леденец на палочке), adventure (путешествие), novel (роман, новелла) 17. didn't we see the statue of peter pen yesterday? 18. will my aunt publish her new poem? 19. don't i like the capital of endland (а вообще я не поняла 6-ое , как написать вопросы к предложениям, если эти предложения и есть вопросы? объясните, и я исправлю, если здесь что-нибудь не так).

Популярно: Английский язык