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Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous Tense.
1) The workers ... (to unload) the equipment from 4 till 7 o'clock
yesterday. 2) While Alex ... (to paint) the floor in the bedroom,
Amanda ... (to wash) the window in the living room. 3) We ...
(to drive) towards Manchester when it ... (to start) snowing.
4) Margaret ... (not to hear) the doorbell because she ... (to dry)
her hair with the hairdrier at that time. 5) Victor ... (to open) the
fridge, (to take) a bottle and ... (to pour) some milk into the
glass. 6) What ... you ... (to discuss) when we (to come) in?
Den ... (to talk) about his trip to the village. 7) Whose car you
(to repair) all the day yesterday? – It ... (to be) my cousin's
car. He ... (to have) an accident three days ago and
(to ask)
me to help him. 8) Who ... Colin ... (to look) for in the cinema
hall yesterday? – He
(to look) for his girlfriend. 9) Where​

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Ialready miss you ))

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