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1. Mae often travels abroad so she to flying. A gets used B used to C is used
2. Mary ….. to Canada last week. A would fly B flew C used to fly
3. I ….. visit my grandparents every weekend when I was young. A would B used C got used to
4. I can never ….. the feeling of seasickness while travelling by boat. A used B used to C get used to
5. When I was little, I ….. love going camping. A was used to B used to C would

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. c

5. b

A new bridge will be built by them next year.The Ultimate Space Adventures was directed by Brian Brody.Her costume will be designed by Pierre Matie.My wallet was found by someone.The window was broken by one of the students.

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