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Complete this blog about the impact of an economic slowdown on small businesses using the verbs in brackets with will or going to, or in the present continuous. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. How bad 1 (it/get)?
All the evidence suggests an economic slowdown. Interest, inflation and energy costs 2 (rise) in the next few months if current trends continue. It`s obvious we 3 (find) things tougher.
So how 4 (small business / be able to) survive the worst?
First, take a good look at where your business might save money. How much unnecessary business insurance do you have? If you`re self-employed like me, then I don`t think it 5 (be) worth paying for unemployment insurance. You`re the boss: you 6 (probably / not make) yourself redundant! I 7 (see) a financial advisor next week to see if she has any other money-saving ideas and I recommend you do the same. I 8 (let) you know what advice she has in my next blog.
Another thing you can do is check any spending plans you have. The Central Bank 9 (probably / put up) interest rates at the end of the month and I don`t think we 10 (have) a rate cut for some time.
The most important point is that there isn`t a recession yet. Forecasts suggest that the economy 11 (grow) by o.5 % over the next six months. There is no reason to panic. 12 (you / survive) ? There`s no reason why not – it`s in your hands.

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