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Task 7. Make the sentences impersonal: 1. As we see from recent research, 85 % of staff time is spent on preparation, organization, and support, filling, copying and transferring of documents.
2. To conclude, we may say that the scientific support of the issues raised in the diploma is considerably behind the practice.
3. To verify the theoretical results, we carried out scientific and practical study of the Kazakhstan market of modern electronic document management systems.
4. To prove the hypothesis I applied the following scientific methods of research: historical, comparative analysis method, comparative method, a systematic method, the method of unification and optimization of document treatment processes, the method of scoring by parameters, the method of hierarchy analysis.
5. In this research paper we widely used the method of inductive analysis "from particular to the general," which allows to draw conclusions after studying the specific statutes, regulations and methods.

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Ответы на вопрос:

I was happy yesterday morning

2 My brother was sick two days ago

3 They were at the cinema yesterday

4 We were at school an hour ago

5 Kate was at the children’s camp last month

Упражнение 2 Образуйте во с глаголами was were

1 Was he in London last year?

2 Was it sunny two hours ago?

3 Were Kate and Anna at the cinema yesterday?

4 Were they tired last night?

5 Was the breakfast delicious last morning?

Упражнение 3 Заполните пропуски употребив was (were) в нужной форме

1 I was tired last night

2 He was in the garden five minutes ago

3 Children were very friendly yesterday

4 It was very cold yesterday morning

5 We were busy last week


Популярно: Английский язык