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ПО ХИМИИ A solution of iron(III) chloride, FeCl3, are used in photoengraving and to make ink. This compound can be made by the following reaction.2Fe + 3Cl2 --> 2FeCl3
(a) How many moles of FeCl3 form from 24 moles of Cl2?
(b) How many moles of Fe are needed to combine with 24 moles of Cl2 by this reaction?

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4,5(12 оценок)

                11.2     x ba(oh)2+co2=baco3+h2o                 22.4   197 v(нью)=11.2/22.4=0.5моль x=11.2*197/22.4=98.5г ответ: а)98,5 грамм

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