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Adjective + career
a brilliant career
a promising career
a worthwhile career

Noun + preposition + career
a change of career
a turning point in your career
your choice of career the height / pinnacle of your career
the greatest performance of your...

Verb + career
begin a career
choose a career
pursue a career
further your career
wreck your career

1. Verb + career
Complete the sentences with the corect form of the above verbs:
1. This scandal has his career as a politician. It's now in ruins.
2. He's the owner of a chain of hotels, but hehis career as a porter
3. Getting more qualifications is probably the best way to your career.
4. I think money is a big factor for most people when it comes to... a career.
5. I graduate from university soon and I'm hoping to a career in business

2. Adjective + career Complete the sentences below with the above adiectives:
1. She considers teaching a career. It is very satistying to feel that you are helping people to develop. 2. He had acareer in politics, becoming Prime Minster at the young age of 46
3. He had a career ahead of him in football until a knee injury put him out of the game at the age of 21

3. Noun + preposition + career
Match the two halves
1. She is now the managing director of the organisation.
2. At 50 he felt ike a change of career.
3. Parents should advise and support their chidren in their choice of career.
4. At a concert in front of 40,000 people.
5. Moving to a new company marked a turning point in my career.
a. Gabrielle gave the greatest performance of her career so far.
b. So he gave up his job as a lawyer and went into teaching.
c. I'm much happier in my new job.
d. However, it's important that they don't try to influence their choice.
e. At the age of only thirty, she has reached the height of her career.

Notes. Note the following career + verb collocations: Her singing career took off after her oppearance on the Chris Evans Show (became succensfi George Mockay played more than 700 gemes in a corer spanning 20 years.

2 Note these expressions: Mott working women manege to succesfuly combine family e with a career She wanes to get aheod in her coreer Shel eeger chmb the career ludder.

3. Note these two ways of saying the same thing :
Have you ever thaught of teaching as a career /a coeer in teaching Nates

Key Words for Fluency - ntemedate​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 I am having my hair cut on Tuesday by the hairdresser

2 I am going to have a stereo fit in my car (by them)

3 She has her meals cooked by someone

4 Mr Brown was having his hair styled (by the hairdresser)

5 I have had a new jumper knitted for me

6 She was having her injured knee examined

7 The drivers have had a special wetsuit designed

8 Mike has had his book just published (by a publisher)

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