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1 Put the verbs in the Present Simple. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форму Present Simple. Запишите в тетрадь полные предложения и перевод. 1. Kate (not watch) TV in the morning.

2. Peter (study) English at school.

3. Mike always (play) computer games.

4. María (go) dancing?

5. I usually (drink) coffee for breakfast.

6. London (be) in England.

7. What your sister usually (do) on Saturday?

8. Beth (not have) a sister.

9. Dima (not be) my brother, he (be) my friend.

10. I (not eat) pizza.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1)doesn’t watch 2)studies3)plays4)is /going5)drink6)is7)does/do8)haven’t 9)isn’t/is10)don’t eat


12.1 the population of this town (was) about 20,000 five years ago. every year it (is increasing) more than 1,000 a year. by the end of next decade it (will have doubled). 12.2 they have just (come) back. i think, it (has taken) them a half an hour, not more. now they (are speak ing) to my mother. 12.3 tornadoes (speed) through the island every year. by the end of this season they (will have damaged) many buildings and (injured) many people. 12.4 her husband (has been watch ing) football on tv since breakfast. but it seems, the match (is not go ing) successfully, you (should not ask) anything about the game. 12.5 the concert (was) almost over, and the singers (were) tired, but the spectators were still ( wait ing) for new songs. you see, it (will be repeated) again tomorrow.

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