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Упражнение 5. Измените фразы, выделенные курсивом из действительного на страдательный залог.
1. Somebody has lost all my important files.
2. When I returned from holiday, I found that somebody changed information
in my files.
3. My colleague Max is expecting somebody to promote him.
4. I don’t like people telling me what to do.
5. Somebody must have hacked into our computer system.
6. I feel somebody is not telling us the whole truth.
7. They are sending me to Japan for three months.
8. When I finally arrived at the conference, someone was putting away the
9. Somebody unveiled Microsoft’s latest operating system last month.
10. After the Winter Olympic Games, will they employ the Olympic Village for

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Ответы на вопрос:

Отвечу только на 3) bread and grains a balanced diet is based on bread and grains (food like rice and cereal). these food give fibre , iron and vitamin b. at least 40% of what you eat every day should be types of food in this category. fruit and vegetables you should eat plenty of vegetables and fruit every day to make sure you get enough potassium and vitamins a,c and e. dairy products types of food in this category , like milk and cheese , have a lot of calcium and vitamin d. these two elements protect you bones. you should consume milk, cheese or yoghurt every day. meat, fish and beans this category also includes eggs and nuts. this types of food give you iron, magnesium and protein . white meat , such as chicken , is better for you than fatty, red meat. eat wisely.if you eat a balanced diet, you will feel great , look great, and always be healthy!

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