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a) presenting b) to be presented c) to present d) present

2. The sooner we move house, it will be for the whole family.

a) better b) the best c) the better d) good

3. He works night-shifts, so he is accustomed to during the day.

a) sleeping b) be slept c) have sleep d) sleep

4. He is so nice as that the second-hand car is a bargain.

a) to believing b) believe c) believing d) to believe

5. He won the scholarship because he’s boy in the school.

a) cleverer b) the clever c) the most cleverest d) the cleverest

6. I’ve never seen such a big dog yours.

a) rather than b) as c) than d) to

7. The witness saw the lorry into the back of the car and burst into flames.

a) to crashing b) to crash c) crashing d) crash

8. This is expensive of all.

a) the least b) less c) least d) little

9. Janet would prefer to renew her contract look for another job.

a) rather than b) from to c) rather d) to

10. He means the money as soon as he can.

return b) to return c) to have returned returning

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) when iarrived at the station, the trainbegan tomove.2) when thedoor opened, isawkate, she was readinga book.3) iwas walkingdown the streetand met myneighbor.4) thesun was shining,the birds were singing, ilay and listenedto music.5) ileft the house, got intoa taxi, butwas late for work6) whyare you smiling? something wrong?

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