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Написать 15 предложения на Present Perfect (утвер. форма отририц. форма и на вопрос . форма) Например : I have finished to homework
You have finished to homework и т.д ребят

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We have finished to homework

They have finished to homework

He has finished to homework

She has finished to homework

Вроде так но я не знаю

wolf-the most beautiful, and   majestic on my own.he  treats group of predators and as a rule lives in pack.he weighs about 34-56 kg, height of 52 cm.he live in forests and steppes.also the wolf is largest of family dog.he  hunts generally on hoofed animals : oleny, elks..the attitude of the person towards a wolf underwent considerable changes around the world. argues, both  for and against  about a role of a wolf will proceed for many years. the biggest alarm must   produce  growth of the population and our intervention in the wild nature.  while   live a wild nature,live also a wolf. as for me, so i don't want live neither without it, nor without another

Популярно: Английский язык