Есть ответ 👍

1.A) Are you going away this weekend? (go away)
B)No, we __ here. Why? (Stay)
A)We __ a barbecue. Would you like to come.(have)

2.A) I'm too tired to cook. __ we __ a Chinese takeaway?(order)
B) Good idea . I __ the restaurant. What do you want for your starter? (Call)
A)I __ spring rolls, please. (Have)

3.A) what time __ you __ in the morning? (Leave)
B) I __ the 6 o'clock train. (Get)
A)I __ you a lift to the station, then. (Give)

4.A) What __ you __ tonight? (do)
B) I __ to the cinema with some friends. (go)
A) What film __ you __ ?(see)
B) The new Stars Wars film.
A)Oh, I've seen it. You __ it!(love)

5.A) __ I __ you do the washing-up? (Help)
B) OK. I __ and you can dry. But please be careful with the glasses (wash)
A) Don't worry. I __ anything. (Not break)​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

What will you be doing all evening? (Что вы будете делать весь вечер?)

Where will you be spending holidays? (Где вы будете проводить каникулы?)

What will they be writing in the letter? (Что они напишут в письме?)

When will they be backing home? (Когда они вернутся домой?)

Will she be watching TV tomorrow? (Будет ли она смотреть телевизор завтра?)


Популярно: Английский язык