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ЗА ПОЛНЫЙ ОТВЕТ For items 16–25, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use from three to five words. The number of words is specified in the brackets. Do not use short forms. Please mind both grammar and spelling. There is an example at the beginning (0).

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Example: 0. The pool isn’t deep enough to swim in.
The pool swim in. (4 words)
0 is too shallow to
В ответ запишите нужное количество слов через пробел, без запятых и других разделителей. Слова с орфографическими и другими ошибками не засчитываются.

16. Never have I heard such a ridiculous theory.
It is heard such a ridiculous theory. (5 words)

17. Although I love my sister I do not always agree with her.
Although I love my sister I do not always her. (5 words)

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18. I did not ask for much – just a few pounds.
All a few pounds. (4 words)

19. As they get richer, they spend more and more money on useless things.
The , money they spend on useless things. (5 words)

20. Her cold was caused by getting soaked in the rain.
Her getting soaked in the rain. (5 words)

21. It is possible that the trains were delayed.
The trains . (4 words)

22. Half the team caught flu last week.
Half the team flu last week. (3 words)

23. It seems that the rain is going to last for a long time.
The rain . (3 words)

24. It was a mistake not to warn them about the snowstorm.
We them about the snowstorm. (3 words)

25. You can borrow my car but you must bring it back tomorrow morning.
You you bring it back tomorrow morning.(5 words)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Shy, friendly, serious

Популярно: Английский язык