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Part II – High School: Anthony, Age 17 Years later, Tony “Tonka Truck” Williams was the star of his high school football team. He had had an amazing three
seasons with the Tigers and was now a senior, scouted by colleges around the country. He had broken the school
records for rushing yards and for touchdowns, and it was apparent that the streak would continue in his final year.
Anthony’s high school football coach, Coach Taylor, was Michael’s childhood best friend, as they played together
throughout high school. Because of their friendship, Coach Taylor favored Anthony throughout his years in high
school, doing his best to make sure Anthony reached his full potential. Because senior year was the most important
year to impress scouts and earn a football scholarship to a great school, Coach Taylor, Michael, and Anthony were all
working together to highlight his skills and talent.
During a cold Friday night game in the middle of the season, Anthony had been playing great throughout the first half,
scoring two touchdowns and rushing over 100 yards. At the beginning of the third quarter, Anthony received the ball
and performed his signature move of barreling through the defensive line, but this time he was stopped in his tracks
by the largest player on the other team. Anthony was knocked off his feet, and the back of his head hit the ground. He
didn’t move for a minute or two. The medical staff rushed onto the field as the players circled around him.
“Anthony, can you hear me? What hurts?” the athletic trainer asked.
“Ugh. My head, it hurts really badly. What happened?”
“You got hit pretty hard. Can you stand up for me?” the trainer asked.
Anthony was helped to his feet and stumbled off the field. While being examined more thoroughly, he complained
that he was dizzy and nauseous. Within a few minutes, he began vomiting on the sideline.
“I…can’t really…see too… well. Why are the lights so bright?” Anthony complained.
Based on Anthony’s symptoms, the athletic trainer concluded that he should not return to the game until he was
cleared by a doctor. Coach Taylor was visibly anxious, as he knew how important the season was to Anthony, but let
him sit out anyway.
A week later, Anthony was cleared by the team doctor but was still not feeling 100%. Regardless, he returned to
practice because he knew that there would be scouts coming to the next few games, and he knew his dad was anxious
for him to play. Samantha was not fond of the idea and confronted Michael.
“Michael, he’s our son! He clearly isn’t ready to return to the game! What happens if he gets hit again?” Samantha cried.
“Sam, he’s fine. He’s a tough kid. And besides, don’t you want him to get into LSU? This is what we’ve been talking
about since he was a little kid,” Michael calmly responded.
Reluctantly, Sam walked away and Michael took that as the okay to let Anthony continue. Although he was still
feeling a little lethargic, Anthony shook it off and prepared for the important upcoming games.
1. What are the signs and symptoms Anthony displayed after the big hit?
2. What conditions are these symptoms indicative of? What are the possible medical implications?
3. What are the dangers of playing through this type of injury?
4. What would you do if you were in Coach Taylor’s position?

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