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A: Do you any sports, Bob?
B: Yes, I volleyball. How about you?
A: Well, I’ve never volleyball, but I gymnastics and I
sometimes windsurfing.
B: Windsurfing? That sounds like fun! Have you ever skiing?
A: No, I haven’t-but I’d like to try.
B: So would I! Why don’t we skiing this weekend?
A: That’s a great idea!

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Ответы на вопрос:

me: hi jane.

my friend: hi!

me: how are you doing?

my friend: i'm good, thanks. how are you?

me: me too, though my car broke down yesterday. there's something wrong with the engine.

my friend: oh my!

me: do you mind giving me a lift to work tomorrow?

my friend: no, not at all. i'll pick you up at 6 then?

me: yeah, that sounds good to me.

что-то такое).

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