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Ii. вставьте в каждое предложение подходящее по смыслу пропущенное слово: employees, sales, salary, product, production, cash 1. there are over 9 million teenagers in вritain and they are the most powerful group of 2. jane finds it difficult to survive on such a 3. how do you pay for things you buy: by cheque or by credit card? 4. if we don’t get another order soon , we’ll have to cut and maybe close a factory. 5. one way to inform people about your is to advertise it on tv. 6. and you get a special bonus if the company’s go up by more than 15 per cent in the year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. there are over 9 million teenagers in вritain and they are the most powerful group of employees.2. jane finds it difficult to survive on such a low salary.3. how do you pay for things you buy: in cash, by cheque or by credit card? 4. if we don’t get another order soon, we’ll have to cut production and  maybe  close a factory.5. one way to inform people about your product is to advertise it on tv.6. and you get a special bonus if the company’s sales go up by more than 15 per cent in the year.

1) sale of non legal drugs is a growing problem in the united states. 2) many people think that an addict can stop using drugs at any time. 3) writing a drug to a patient, the doctor must know the exact diagnosis. 4) it is not surprising that many of the pharmaceutical companies that produce drugs, get huge profits during epidemics. 5) do not start or stop taking medication without notifying your doctor. 6) do not know how the drug acts on the human body, the doctor has no right to appoint a patient. 7) this medicine can only act through its introduction intramuscularly.

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