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Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Perfect.
1. What’s in the newspaper today? I (not read) it yet.
2. I’m looking for Bob. Where he (go)?
3. She’s having her birthday today. She already (invite) us.
4. We are waiting for you. Mum already (cook) the dinner.
5. My family is on holiday. They (go) to France.
6. Her face is familiar to me but I (forget) her name.
7. you ever to Scotland? It’s a wonderful country!
8. We are going to the restaurant tonight. He (reserve) the table.
9. It’s good for your health that you (give) up smoking.
10. Do you like caviar? – I don’t know, I never (eat) it.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I haven’t read it yet
2. Where has he gone?
3. She has already invited us
4. Mum has already cooked the dinner
5. They have gone to France
6. I has forgotten her name
7. Have you ever been to Scotland?
8. He has reserved the table
9. You have given up smoking
10. I have never eaten it

1 motivates

2 role models

3 device

4 turn on

5 school assignments

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