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1) introduction (who, when, where, what) 1 абзац
2) Main body (climax events, основная часть) 1-2 абзаца
3)Conclusion (fellings and my opinion( МОЕ МНЕНИЕ - САМОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ) 1 абзац

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Ответы на вопрос:

Напиши про войну The war is a great shock to our country, it is a great loss, losses, it is an extraordinary heroism of the Russian people. It is difficult for us, the younger generation, to feel the whole tragedy of those days when blood was paid for every step on the front road. It is difficult to imagine the labor feats of women, old people and children – our peers who remained in the rear. I have repeatedly wondered: why did the Soviet Union win the great Patriotic war?

The victory was won because the unity of all peoples was strong. All the republics rose up to fight the common enemy – fascism. Soldiers and officers of all nationalities fought side by side, shoulder to shoulder, in the same trench, lived in the same dugout, walked the roads of war in step, shared the hardships of the war years. And not only at the front. In the rear, people of all nationalities worked together, worked for victory at the same machine, in the same field, in the same factory, without eating, without getting enough sleep, helping each other.

The peoples of all the republics, regardless of their nationality, had a common goal-the VICTORY and destruction of fascism.

Friendship and unity of the peoples of all the republics became an important source of victory over the enemies. Every person, regardless of their nationality, sought to take part in the defense of the Motherland with weapons in their hands. At the beginning of 1942, along with Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, there were 1,200,000 Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Kazakhs and Bashkirs in the active army. More than 80 national divisions and brigades were manned from the national republics. Soldiers of all nationalities fought courageously and bravely, showed bravery and heroism on any part of the front. Brest and Odessa, Leningrad and Moscow, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, and every locality in our homeland were equally dear to everyone. They fought to the last drop of blood for every village, for every piece of their native land.

Multinational partisan detachments were created on the territory of our homeland, which was captured by the fascists. For example, on the Belarusian land it is brave.



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