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1. Mark... his mobile phone.
a) lost; b) have lost; c) has lost.
2. They... to China five months ago.
a) have been; b) was; c) have gone.
3. Nick ... this comedy three times.
a) saw; b) has saw; c) has seen.
4. Ann... to him yet.
a) didn't write; b) hasn't written; c) doesn't write.
5. Pam ... us since January.
a) didn't visit; b) hasn't visited; c) not visited.

6. Last Sunday we... the Hermitage.
a) visited; b) have visited; c) did visit.
7. When he was a teenager... in Saint- Petersburg.
a) have lived; b) was lived; c) lived.
8. How long ... in Kazan?
a) have you been; b) have you gone; c) did you be.
9. ...ever ...a BMW?
a) Did you ... drive; b) Have you ... driven; c) Have you ... drived.
10. When ... to the gym?
a) did you go; b) have you gone; c) have you been.

11. I... in Paris since May
a) wasn't; b) hasn't been; c) haven't been.
12. Dan and Diana ... married two months ago.
a) got; b) have got; c) getted.
13. We ... each other since we were 12 years old.
a) knew; b) have knew; c) have known.
14. How long ... your computer?
a) have you had; b) did you have; e) had you.
15. Last week we….. a new play in the theatre.
a) seen; b) saw; c) have seen.

16. I... an article a year ago.
a) have written; b) writed; c) wrote.
17. He ... a stunt performer for all his life.
a) was; b) has been; c) have been.
18. Your neighbour isn't here. She ... to the shopping center.
a) went; b) has been; c) has gone.
19. Denis ... new rollerblades last month.
a) bought; b) have bought; c) buys.
20. Mr Brown ... here in 2018.
a) come; b) has come; c) came.
21. When... college?
a) did you leave; b) have you left; c) do you left.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1). C

2) b

3) c

4) b

5) b





10) b

11) c



14) a









1 hasn't risen 2 went 3 lived, was4 have you ever 5 had, took6 did you take any photographs.

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