Есть ответ 👍

Нужно составить стих в ритме Пойте песню о мытье посуды,
Вода горячая, как горячая,
Чашки и блюдца, тарелки и ложки,
Блюд столько!
Работайте шваброй для посуды по кругу,
Вымойте их как чистые
Отполируйте сухой белой тканью,
Как мы были заняты!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1, she looked at me angrily and told me to leave the room.  2, at last the librarian gave me the book which i had been waiting for two months. i was very glad. i went home and began reading it at last.  3, many american programs are shown on british television.  4, if you were at home now, we wouldn’t have to worry about anything.   5, when we were young we used to spend every summer on the beach. we would swim, sunbathe, catch crabs. you should have disconnected the computer yesterday.

Популярно: Английский язык