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1. Match the words from the box with the following definitions. Enterprises business venture background dropout merchant Settle for dropout merchant settle for cleric franchise Assets equity capital net residue commodity outlet Forerunner 1. A particular money earning activity or place (a store, a company, a firm). 2. A business in which there is some degree of risk. 3. A person who buys and sells goods. 4. Business firms. 5. A person who drops out of school or college without completing the course. 6. Profit after tax, rent, etc. Are paid. 7. A place from which goods are sold. 8. A special right given by a company to a person or group to sell that compa- ny's goods or services in a particular place. 9. To come to an agreement or make final arrangements about smth. 10. A clergyman, a Christian priest. 11. Smth that has value and that may be sold to pay a debt. 12. Part of the capital that consists of founder's shares, all of which together carry the right of ownership in the business. 10. a person's experience and education. 11. an article of trade or commerce, goods. 13. Someone that follows.

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The girl`s book(книга девочки). mary`s car(машина марии) the children`s tickets(билеты детей) peter`s friends(петины друзья) the doctor`s room(комната доктора)

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