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to complete the sentences.

1. The boy explained to his mother that he (sell) had sold
his theatre ticket to his friend.
2. When dad returned home,
he (understand)that something bad (happen)3. Nobody had liked Nick before he (devote)his life
to sick animals. 4. Sally didn't understand who (organize)that thrilling party. 5. Bob came in and (introduce)himself to everyone. Everyone (be)really surprised. 6.The girls wondered if Kate (receive)presents by
mail before. 7. It was difficult to calm the children down after the clown (thrill)them. 8. Molly explained that her classmates (offer)her their help. 9. The director decided to stage a new play after he (consider)all the facts. 10. In ancient times people (believe)in many gods.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Of course they did,imha was the war of 1812 (this is the 19th century). for russia this moment is a turning point. we need weapons, food, food. in general, all the garbage for the war. children were forced to work early in the morning, and they went to work as adults. they performed the most difficult work. a special and very important point was the work of machine tools for the manufacture of weapons. russia needed a victory! therefore, the children worked, and it was worth it, because russia won.!

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