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Read the text below about "green"school. Complete the text with the right tense of the verbs in brackets in the passive or active form. Solar panels 1___(install) on the school roof in 1999. Two years later, we 2___(introduce) waste separation for paper, glass and plastics. A small wind turbine 3___(build) on a hill just outside the school by a physics class. For over five years now all the lights 4(control) by sensors. At the moment some special software 5___(load) onto all school computers, so they shut down automatically at the end of the day. Drinks that 6___(sell) by machines are cheaper if you 7___(use) your own cup, but the machine also 8___(give) money back if its plastic cups 9___(return). Snacks which 10___(buy) in the school shop 11___(not warp). Plants for the future? Hopefully, paper 12___(save) when we 13___(start) sending letters to parents by email only.

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I- hi! friend- hi! i- how are you? f- fine thanks. how are you? i- fine thanks. where are you going? f- i going to home. where are you going? i- i going to shop. f- why are you going shopping? i- i will also buy a gadget. f- sorry. i have to go now. i- see you later.

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