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B Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in the correct form and position.
1 He can't find his keys. I think
he's lost
them. (lose)
2 Haven't you done your homework yet?
tini shed it. (finish/ already)
3 It's midnight and she
home yet. (not/come)
4 nove you on
lunch yet? (you/have?]
5. This is terrible. Someone you so my bike. (steal)
6 We
V S6 büy a really cheap carl Gust / buy)
7 Take your boots off before you come in. I. con 45€
the carpets. (ust / clean)
8. You
er opet the doctor yet? (you / phone?)
the film. (see /already)
9. They

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Ответы на вопрос:

6) - going.

7) - will go.

8) - will have.

9) - am going.

10) - am going.

11) - am going.

12) - is going.

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