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5 ACTIVATE Talk about special days in your home. Use ideas from the boxes. We My mother / father / grandmother/ gandfather/ Nobody make / makes decorate / decorates gve / gives ang / sings play / plays vsit / visits ​

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my magazine leaves monthly. there is a lot of all interesting. article from this жунала is a lot of interesting статей.одна: "in the berlin zoo there lives a curious couple - a bear and a cat. cat on the nickname mouse and a 40-year-old asian bear on the nickname cat eight years are on friendly terms strong friendship. they got acquainted absolutely casually, the bear the cat is forever registered in a zoo and lives in the open-air cage, and the cat the mouse somehow called on it and they made friends.recently the cat placed in a cage for the period of reconstruction of its open-air cage, so the mouse was nervous and couldn't find any peace, and the bear outright began to miss and ceased to accept food. when a cat let in a cage to a bear, friends gently greeted each other and again reunited. on assurances of the director of a zoo of heiner klos of such friendship of the practice he yet didn't observe."

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