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III. Замените выделенные части предложений инфинитивными оборотами: Indefinite Infinitive и Perfect Infinitive.

1. It is certain that it will rain if you don’t take your umbrella.
2. Don’t promise that you will do it, if you are not sure that you can.
3. He was very proud that he had helped his elder brother.
4. She was sorry that she had missed the beginning of the concert.
5. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in.
6. He hopes that he will know everything about it.
7. I was lucky that I had attended this concert.
8. They were excited that they had reached the city at last.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Tiger - a predator of the family cats, which is one of the main members of the genus panthera. meaning of the word "tiger" is literally translated from ancient greek as "quick, sharp". one of the largest predators, the tiger gives the size of a bear - the white and the brown.

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