Есть ответ 👍

Choose an animal you know and answer the questions.
1 How big is the animal? (enormous, quite /
not very big, quite / not very small, tiny)
2 Where does it live? (in trees, the sea, rivers,
your house, holes, other)
3 What does it eat? (meat, other animals,
grass, fruit, other)
4 How does it move? (swim, walk, run, fly)​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1) I was swimming ACROSS a lake .

2) Don't fall OFF the bridge.

3) Walk THROUGH the door.

4) I'm climbing UP a mountain.

5) The cat jumped OVER the chair.

6) We ran DOWN the mountain.


1 I was swimming down / (across) / up a lake. 
2 Don't fall through / up / (off) the bridge! 

3 Walk over / across / (through) the door. 
4 I'm climbing (up) /under / into a mountain. 

5 The cat jumped (over) / through / in the chair! 
6 We ran (down) / off / into the mountain.

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