Есть ответ 👍

Нужно глаголы из скобок поставить в нужное время ГРАММАТИЧЕСКОЕ.
1) Their hands were dirty because they (paint) the roof of the house for three hours.
2) I (water) the flowers in my garden at 5 p.m. yesterday.
3) I (cook) dinner before my parents came back home.
4) They (live) in this flat for ten years.
5) If she (have) time, she'd take up swimming.
6) I (finish) my homework so I can go for a walk with my friends.
7) I (not see) him for ages.
8) She was shopping when she (meet) her friend.
9) While he was cooking, he (cut) his finger.
10) Last week we (to be) in London.
11) I got off the bus, went to the shop when I realized that I (forget) my gloves in the bus.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 painted

2 watered

3 cooked

4 have been living

5 has

6 finished

7 have not seen

8 met

9 cut

10 were

11 forgot

1) Their hands were dirty because they were painting the roof of the house for three hours.

2) I was watering the flowers in my garden at 5 p.m. yesterday.

3) I was cooking dinner before my parents came back home.

4) They have been living in this flat for ten years.

5) If she had time, she'd take up swimming.

6) I have finished my homework so I can go for a walk with my friends.

7) I have not seen  him for ages.

8) She was shopping when she met her friend.

9) While he was cooking, he has cut his finger.

10) Last week we were  in London.

11) I got off the bus, went to the shop when I realized that I  have forgotten my gloves in the bus.

Семья генри дунанта всегда людям. когда генри был маленький, он своим родителям обеспечивать едой бедных людей.

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