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за искать глаголы в данном времени. Затем перевести четвертое предложение.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. had been watching

2. had been asking

3. had been prepating

4. Had Oliver been playing... No, he hadn't. He had been writing

Перевод: Оливер играл в компьютер весь вечер в ту пятницу? - Нет. Он два часа писал сочинение, а затем пошел погулять.

we will pass the examination if we study hard

if you go to see this film you will have a good time

if he plays sport he will live longer

she wont be an architect if she doesnt go to university

they will ring us if we give them our phone number

if we dont solve the problem we wont get the prize

if we dont go now we will miss the bus

you will be tired if you dont sleep

if the spanish team get to the final match they will be the world champions

if you help me i will give you a lot of money

Популярно: Английский язык