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Read the question and click the correct answer. Sailing trip with my group mates.
Welcome to my blog! I’m Aslan, twenty years old. I’m from Kazakhstan.
Now I’m studying at Nazarbayev University. Last year, my team won a cruise to the UK in a competition. A month ago, we used our vouchers and went on the cruise. The group consisted of six people, but only four of us could go on the trip.
When we got on the liner, we were impressed because it was huge and beautiful. Everything there looked very expensive. It had five hundred and thirty thousand passengers, and everybody was spending their holiday on the liner. The liner had everything that is needed to rest and have fun.
We saw different types of boats like a speedboat, a ferry and a yacht that were passing by. Our liner also had many lifeboats; this kind of boat is used for emergencies only.
This trip was unusual for me because I’ve never seen a five-star hotel, a pool, stores for shopping, restaurants, and bars all on a boat.
What does the word emergency mean?
a dangerous/serious situation
doing something with the help of sails
a large luxurious passenger ship

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Ответы на вопрос:

One good turn deserves another. in the indian kingdom there was a ruler who was fond of hunting in wild places. he had a chief advisor who was a very wise and positive one. he was famous for his ability to see the rosy side of things.he always annoyed the ruler because of it.one day they went hunting in the dense jungle.the ruler wanted to eat a fresh coconut so he took his sword but it slipped out of his hand and cut off his toe. the ruler limped over to his advisor shouting with pain. he told him that he had cut off his toe .the advisor said that there was smth wonderful in it what they couldnt see then. the ruler got angry and threw his advisor into the well. on the way to the castle the ruler was seized by the band as a sacrifice victim. he was brought to the priest who had to prove the victim. when he saw his wound he didnt prove him.they let him go and he was so delighted. he went to his advisor to pull him out of the well. he was sorry and apologized very much. but his advisor answered that he need not  apologize. he was grateful to him for that. the ruler was curious to know what bright side his advisor found in that case. his advisor answered that the good thing was that he wasn't seized as the sacrifice victim.

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