Есть ответ 👍

1- Найди правильное окончание предложения.
Give the money to the dog – Give the money to the brother
Don`t talk to the walls
Play with the cupboard
Bring me your room
Listen to the door
Tidy some water please
Don`t draw on your brother
Clean this song
Don`t open the driver
Don`t sing the news
2- Составь отрицательное и утвердительное предложения в повелительном наклонении.
It is raining. Take your umbrella with you!
It`s raining
The water is durty
I want to look at ostriches (страусы)
It`s dark here
It`s hot and sunny today
I need to clean the flat today
My birthday is tomorrow
I`ve got a headache


have a party
go to the beach
turn on the light
play loud music
help me
go to the zoo
take your umbrella with you
swim here

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. yesterday i was ill.2. usually i go) to school at eight o'clock.  3. his uncle lived in moscow two years ago.  4. we'll  visit) this museum in a week.5.my friend is playing the piano now.  6. she isn't at home now. she is playing tennis.7. does you friend often stay   at school after lessons for her english?   8. we usually stay) in the country over the weekend, but the weather is bad and we won't go) to the country tomorrow.  9. you are going to enter the institute after school.  10. when did you last go   the theatre ? two weeks ago.

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