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Ex. 1 Read the text and put the verbs into the correct form, (present simple). My sister (to go) shopping several times per week. Nowadays there (to be) so many types of shops — the shopping center, the hypermarket, the supermarket, the bakery, butchery and grocery.

She (to adore) shopping centers. She usually (to do) the shopping with our mother or with her friends. They (to go) to the shopping centers where they can spend hours in different shops.

The supermarkets and hypermarkets (to be) very convenient as they can buy whatever they (to need) at once. There (to be) no more need to go to three different shops to buy bread, meat and vegetables. It’s all here.

But still there (to be) those who prefer buying some goods at the specialized places. For example, my aunt (to buy) fresh bread at the bakery across the street, and then (to go) to the butcher’s to buy some fresh meat, and then (to spend) 20 minutes to get to the grocery to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Modern technologies (to allow) doing the shopping without need not only to get out of the house, but even get out of bed. It (to concern) not only the clothing, but also the food. The delivery service (to be) a part of almost all modern shops and that (to be) extremely convenient. You can spend half an hour on choosing and ordering the products and then (to do) some other things and then just (to receive) all that you need. Isn’t that convenient?

So there (to be) so many types of shopping. And one can choose the most preferable to him.

Ex. 2 Match the word and its definition.

Yard sale / garage sale
Black Friday
Product review
Dressing room
Fitting room
- a report about a product written by a customer on a commercial website to help people decide if they want to buy it.

-a small vehicle that you push around a store, putting the things that you want to buy in it.

- a room or area in a shop where you can put on clothes to check that they fit before you buy them.

- the Friday after Thanksgiving when stores in the US reduce the price of goods in order to attract customers who want to start their Christmas shopping.

- is an informal event for the sale of used goods by private individuals, in which sellers are not required to obtain business licenses or collect sales tax.

- the process or business of sending or transporting goods.

-a room, especially in a theatre, in which actors put on clothes and make-up; a room were sports players change their clothes before and after playing.

Ex. 3 Don’t forget it. Read and translate into Russian in writing. Useful Shopping Rules.

The better you're dressed, the better the service.
The louder the music, the less helpful the sales staff.
Store credit is bullshit.
"I'll think about it" are the four most useful words.
Try it on.
Things you can always buy without trying on: T-shirts, underwear, socks. Things you can never buy without trying on: everything else.
The later in the day you shop for shoes, the more swollen your feet and the worse the fit.
It is necessary to make a shopping list of what we need.
You shouldn’t be hungry while shopping, a hungry person buys the things his or her stomach dictates to buy, not thinking about prices or rational nutrition.
It’s absolutely necessary to check the dates before which this or that foodstuff should be used, not to buy something of bad quality.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-he has a car.-present simple 2-she is eating an ice-cream.-present continuous 3-we are going to school.-present continuous 4-she is a doctor.-present simple 5-i have a dog.-present simple.

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