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1. He lives in a small village. There is a shop, a church, houses-that’s all.

2. How cheese in the fridge?

3. We are late. We have___time.

4. He needs to buy a lot of things but he hasn’t gotmoney.

5. There is veryjuice left/ I must buy some.

6. I need eggs and ___butter to make a cake.

7. Don’t eat toosweets before lunch.

8. How cups of coffee do you drink a day?

2. Answer the questions. (ответ нужно написать полным предложением).

1.What can we buy at the chemistry?

2. Where can we buy bread?

3. Where can we buy clothes?

4. What can we buy at the jeweller’s?

5. Where can we buy a pair of glasses?

3. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous).

1. Она только что добавила щепотку соли в салат.

2. Он ушел в магазин купить 2 литра молока .

3.Он чистит овощи с 2 часов.

4. Сколько плиток шоколада съели дети сегодня?

4. Write your sentences with the adjectives.

1. stripe, Italian, old

2. nice, white, golden

3.cotton, red, French

5 Fill in IS/ARE

1. Your trousers….in the wardrobe.

2. Where …my gloves.

3. This information …correct.

4. Our furniture…very cheep.

5. The news…very exciting.

6. Mumps …is common illnesses among children.

7. Chinese ….difficult to learn.

8. His work …very interesting.

6. Fill in A,AN , THE, no article.

1. Newcastle is …town in…north of …England.

2. Ann was born in …France but she lives in …USA.

3….Lake Garda is …largest lake in…Itsaly.

4 . They visited ….Escorial Palace where …King of Spain lives.

5/ she bought…expensive ring at …Harrods.

6. …supermarket is in …Kendell Street opposite ….Loyds Bank.

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Ответы на вопрос:

фото покажи без него я не могу

John lennon. he was fond of drawing and writing short poems.he also played the guitar.at the age of 16 he created his first music group called "quarmen".he became a member of "the beatles" in 1957

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