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В вопросах • ever Hanp.: Have you ever met anybody famous?
• how long Hanp.: How long have you lived here?
• yet Hanp.: Has Paul left yet?
• lately Hanp.: Have you seen any good films lately?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Flippy was very happy. "you have a very beautiful smile! " - he said. the penguin said nothing in return. then flippy smiled again and asked "would you like to be friends with me? " the penguin did not say anything, but he also smiled. flippy was a little upset that they did not want to talk to him, but he did not take offense. then flippy noticed that it was getting dark. he thought that dad would worry about him. "i'll see you tomorrow," he told his new friend. then flippy ran home. at home, flippy told the pope about his friend. dad listened very attentively to flippy. "what an interesting story, i really want to meet your friend! " said the pope. "well, tomorrow i'll introduce you to him! " promised flippy. "by the way, how did you swim in the sea? " asked my father. "oh, i forgot to swim! " - exclaimed flippy. "tomorrow we'll swim together," said dad. the next day they went to the sea. when they stood bending over the water, flippy exclaimed in surprise: "daddy, look, under the water, two penguins! " dad said, smiling: "it's not just two penguins! it's you and me! "so flippy found out that he has his own reflection. then flippy and his dad gladly swam in the sea.

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