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1Match descriptions of materials with the same meaning. Write A – H in the gaps. 1It doesn’t break easily.

2You can break it easily.

3You can’t bend it.

4You can bend it, and it doesn’t break.

5You can cut or scratch it easily.

6You can’t cut it or scratch it.

7It doesn’t burn or melt.

8It doesn’t corrode in water or chemicals.

Ait’s soft

Bit’s brittle

Cit’s tough

Dit’s hard

Eit’s flexible

Fit’s corrosion-resistant

Git’s rigid

Hit’s heat-resistant
2Put the verbs into the present continuous.

9Now I (strike) the bar with a hammer.

10He (drop) two ice cubes into the glass now.

11Now they (cut) the wood with a saw.

12The climber (pull) the rope now.

3Complete these statements. Use the negative present continuous.

13We’re heating the plastic, but it (not melt).

14The lecturer is stretching the ropes, but they (not break).

4Change the word order to make questions. Give the first word in each question a capital letter.

15you doing are what?

16this what’s rope of made?

17the pushing he is car?

18made helmets are of those what?

5Delete the one wrong item in each list.

19Examples of plastics: polystyrene, polycarbonate, graphite, nylon

20Examples of metals or alloys: titanium, fibreglass, steel, aluminium

6Match the items with their descriptions.

21It’s made of titanium.

22These are made of polycarbonate.

23They’re made of heat-resistant ceramic.

24This is made of tough nylon.

A a climbing rope

B spark plugs

C a pair of sunglasses

D a bicycle frame

7Write these out in words as you would say them.

dash / at / underscore / dotslash

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8Complete the questions. Write A – E in the spaces.



29Do you want to


many screws do you need?

Bcolour would you like?

Cpay in Euros?

Dyour e-mail address?

9Complete these statements to give the same meaning.

31The steering wheel causes the car to turn left and right.

The steering wheel makes .

32Someone has torn my new overalls.

My new overalls .

33This stop valve doesn’t allow the oil to flow through the pipe.

This stop valve prevents .

34That switch closes the electrical circuit.

The function of that switch .

10Write eight instructions: How to assemble a skateboard, using the verbs

put /tighten/loosen

35-36plate – four bolts – on

37-38nuts – on – bolts


41-42on – axle –large bolt

43-44large nut – large bolt – on


47-48wheels – on – nuts - axle - and


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1 being

2 not

3 never

4 now

5 has

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