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1Заполните пропуски одним из данных предлогов. Выучите получившиеся предложные словосочетания наизусть. Цифры показывают, сколько раз следует использовать предлог. in x 3 on x3 out of x2 for at by

a. After running up the stairs he was breath.

b. My sister and I are very different. We don’t have much common at all.

c. I don’t want to go to Franco’s Restaurant again. We always go there. Let’s go somewhere else a change.

d. I don’t dislike Jane. the contrary, I’m very fond of her.

e. general I go abroad for my holidays, but occasionally I stay at home.

f. It always pays to buy high-quality goods. the long run it’s cheaper.

g. You most certainly cannot borrow my car. It’s completely the question.

h. This is a very important decision. All our lives are stake.

i. I went on holiday my own because sometimes I like being myself.

j. I’ll do it tomorrow. No, second thoughts, I’ll do it today.

k. I’ll love you ever!

l. Thank you advance.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i didn't really feel like going, but my friends roped me into it 2 people waste too much and don't recycle enough 3 nowadays, many homeless people scavenge in bins for things they can sell. 4 an article about waste and its impact on the environment inspired jane to take up freeganism. 5 the woman balanced basket of fruit on her head as she walked down the road. 6 they were delighted with the free meal and sat down and tucked into it.

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