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Future Perfect. Предложение полностью писать не нужно, только цифра и глагол в правильной форме. Обязательно написать значение времени.
Presenter: So, Ann, Rob, Lisy, Mark, guys, what are your plans for the future?
Ann: I 1 (graduate) in 2024 and head for New-York, it’s a lovely place!
Rob: I definitely 2 (fly) over the sea the nearest half a year. I adore the sky and the flying!
Lisy: I have not made up my mind yet, but who knows may be I 3 (become) a great actress.
Mark: This time next summer I 4 (make barbecue) at my parents’ house in Australia, as for my profession, I haven’t thought for so long.
Ted: As for me, I know that I 5 (have) Master Degree by the end of my study, it is June, 2024.
Rosy: And I will be a great writer! The publishing company 6 (issue) a novel with my name on it by the end of 2025. It will be a real glory! The novel is almost started.
Greg: I agree with Mark, what’s the use of thinking so far away, let’s enjoy the present. As for me, I 7 (swim and sunbathe) all three summer months. Why not!
Ian: To my mind it’s great to have fun during summer time, but I 8 (work) at my dad’s Car Service for 2 months.
Charlotte: Paul, can your do me a favour: 9 (look after) my dog tonight? I just want to visit my granny and congratulate her. I haven’t bought her a present yet.
Paul: Sure! I 10 (suggest) you some shops where you can find something special for your grandma.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)lamp (всё остальное -- канцелярские принадлежности) 2)fifty (всё остальное имеет окончание -teen) 3)computer (всё остальное -- названия школьных уроков) 4)grandfather (все остальные слова даны в сокращении: grandma вместо grandmother,mum вместо mother,dad вместо father) 5)meat (все остальные продукты белого цвета) 6)train (всё остальное -- предметы,находящиеся в квартире) 7)body (всё остальное -- прилагательные) 8)seahorse (всё остальное -- глаголы) 9)september (всё остальное -- название дней недели) 10)day (всё остальное -- части суток)

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