Есть ответ 👍

с английским языком. ​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1) левая

2) левая

3) правая

4) левая

5) правая


1. banned/would

2. played/think

3. didn't/would

4. wouldn't/stood

5. would/had

6. buy/had

Объяснение: это Conditional 2:

if + past simple --> would + V1

V1 - это инфинитив без to (work, have, run, etc.)

1)denis is walking  2)he meets  3)who going 4)you hurrying 5)i'm going 6)i'm going 7)sending me 8)not sends it 9)he not wants 10)son working 11)always giving 12)i see 13)you are limping 14)i usually go 15)i don't have 16)  i don't use 17)my mother says 18)i have got 19)  i'm trying 20)are you wearing 21)don't fit 22)they are new 23)i'm limping 24)it usually comes 25)it's coming now 26)i don't have  27)don't worry 28)don't argue 29)driver is waiting

Популярно: Английский язык