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сделать.Мне Английский не даётся вообще 1. Choose the correct word.

1) He makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs/milk.

2) Do you love pickled rice/onions as much as I do?

3) Bake the cake/sandwiches for 40 minutes.

4) He ate the mashed/boiled potatoes but not the meat.

5) Add some green and a pinch/loaf of salt.

6) Two teaspoon/litre bottles of mineral water, please.

7) Could you pour/peel an orange for me?

8) Beat/slice the butter and sugar together until fluffy.

9) I need to buy a packet of aspirin. Is there a chemist`s/florist`s near here?

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1) …(they/arrive) already?

2) I … (clean) all morning. I`m fed up!

3) Sorry for the mess! I … (bake).

4) How many times … (you/take) this exam?

5) He … (eat) six bars of chocolate today.

6) Liz exhausted these days. She … (work) too hard recently.

7) I … (have) this dog for six years.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1) I have … water left. There`s enough to share.

a) a little b) a few c) many

2) There weren`t … people at the meeting.

a) little b) much c) many

3) He always wanted to visit … Europe.

a) a b) the c) –

4) … town where I live is quite small.

a) A b) The c) –

5) My jeans … in the wash.

a) are b) is c) isn`t

6) Money … everything.

a) don`t b) isn`t c) aren`t

7) It can`t be helped. It`s just his cup of … .

a) tea b) coffee c) water

8) Joe went … her five minutes ago.

a) after b) down with c) off

9) Can I pay … credit card?

a) by b) in c) out

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Ответы на вопрос:

Did he go out with his friends yesterday? (вопросит. предложение)  перевод: "он пошел со своими друзьями вчера? "

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