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The weather was perfect for a tennis tournament. It RAIN every day for weeks before the sun had finally come out. Paul was

feeling a little nervous because he would face his biggest rival,

Fred, whoa great serve and excellent timing. HAVE
“Hey, Paul,” his coach looking at him worriedly. CALL

"Bring your gear over here and have a seat." "Sure coach," said Paul

" whatever you say" " you last night like I told you?” NOT REST

asked his coach. “Iby a huge tennis ball when CHASE

I woke up in a sweat. “You since the last TRAIN

time you played Fred, so don't worry.” said his coach.

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the grusha festival takes a special place in the list of festivals in russia. it was first conducted in 1968 near samara. a festival was named in honor of the most ordinary student, valery grushin. the fact is that during the tourist trip he saved the children who drowned in the uda river at the cost of their own lives. since then, at this music festival in russia, lovers of author's song annually gather not only from our country, but also from the near abroad. the real record was set at the festival in 2010 - then more than two hundred thousand people came here!

особое место в списке фестивалей россии занимает грушинский фестиваль. впервые он был проведён в 1968 году недалеко от самары. назван фестиваль в честь, казалось бы, самого обычного студента – валерия грушина. дело в том, что именно он во время туристического похода ценой собственной жизни спас детей, тонувших в реке уде. с тех пор на этом музыкальном фестивале в россии ежегодно собираются любители авторской песни не только из нашей страны, но и из ближнего зарубежья. настоящий рекорд был установлен на фестивале в 2010 году – тогда сюда приехало более двухсот тысяч человек!

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