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Read the dialogue. — Guess what! We’ve decided to go to the countryside tomorrow.

— It sounds great! But I am afraid your weekend won’t be fine.

— What makes you think so?

— I think there will be a storm tomorrow.

— Well, if it is stormy, we’ll stay at home. But I am sure our trip will be great!

— Are you? Why?

— The forecast is fine. I think it’ll be warm. Just have a look! It’s clearing up. I am sure it is going to be sunny. We’ll go to the forest and pick mushrooms. I particularly enjoy walking in autumn because the trees are full of beautiful colours. I think autumn is the most beautiful season.

— Not exactly. Autumn is dull and rainy. As for me, summer is the best season.

— You are absolutely right. I can’t but agree with you because we have our longest holidays in summer and we can go to the seaside and enjoy swimming in the sea.

— More than that, in summer you can go backpacking and see a lot of wonderful places.

— I quite agree with you. But does it mean that you don’t like winter?

— Not at all. Winter is not so rich in colours but it is a healthy season. You can enjoy different winter sports.

— So I think each season has its good and bad sides.

Fill in the phrases:

1. think there __ a storm

2. the most __season

3. can ___ winter sports

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перевод текста:

в среду утром питер встает в половине восьмого. он выходит из дома в восемь. затем он встречает своего друга андрея, присоединяется к нему, и они идут на урок музыки. кстати, они тоже смеются над своими любимыми песнями. они идут домой в половине двенадцатого, и делают уроки.


1)what time does peter get up on wednesday?

2)what time does peter leave home

3)what is the name of peter’s friend

4)who is peter going to music class with

5)what are they laughing at

6)what time do they go home

7)what do they do after they get home

8)where do they go when they meet each other

9)where do they go after music lessons

10)what does peter do at half past seven on wednesday

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