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Задание: Choose the right tense form Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1. Nora (learn) French for 3 years.
2. The birds (already \fly) to the South.
3. I (know) him for many years.
4. Mick (forget) to learn the poem.
5. The boys (watch) cartoons for 2 hours.
6. The bus (just\come).
7. We (not have) a holiday for 5 years.
8. He (work) at this plant for twenty years.
Ynpaxhenne 2. Make questions using either Present Perfect or Present
Perfect Continuous
1. My sister is waiting for me at the station. (How long?)
2. Adam translates books. (How many...?)
3. Molly is making a cake. (How long...?)
4. Steven is travelling in Europe at present. (How many countries...?)
5. My friends are decorating the flat. (How long...?)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) if he had come to our house yesterday, he would have met his friend. - если бы он пришел вчера к нам, он бы встретился с друзьями.

2) if he didn't help  me, i would be  in a very difficult situation. - если бы ты не мне, я была бы в трудной ситуации. 

второй вариант этого предложения:   if he doesn't  help  me, i  will be  in a very difficult situation. - если ты не мне, я буду в трудной ситуации. 

3) if she doesn't  pass her examination, she won't get a scholarship.

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