Есть ответ 👍

Потрібно перекласти 1. Вона відчинила вікно перед уроками.
2. Він жив у Лондоні 5 років тому.
3. Минулого року він мешкає біля свого офісу.
4. Вчора була чудова погода.
5. Пол учора повернувся із США.
6. Він повільно вів авто, коли побачив її.
7. Том обпікся коли готував обід.
8. Том розмовляв по телефону.
9. Що ти робив учора у цей час?
10. Ми довго розмовляли з ним учора.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1. She opened the windows before lessons.

2. He lived in London 5 years ago.

3. He live near his office since the previous year.

4. It was great weather yesterday.

5. Paul returned from the United States yesterday.

6. He was driving slowly when he saw her.

7. Tom got burned while cooking dinner.

8. Tom was talking on the phone.

9. What were you doing yesterday at this time?

10. We talked to him for a long time yesterday.


Past Simple & Past Perfect часи.

we ( are reading) now.

the children often ( play ) board games .

the baby ( is sleeping) at the moment.

my sister (is playing) board games now.

he (does not go) on hikes in winter.

they (like) going on trips.

my brother (isnot taking) photos now.

the baby (is not sleeping) at the moment.

is he ( reading) now?

are your sisters ( sleeping) now?

doyou (   go) to school on saturdays?

does he (   go) to a camp every summer?

are you ( working) now?

what are …you ( doing) now?

when does he ( get ) up?

who usually ( helps ) your mum with housework?

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