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Самый быстый ответ отмечу лучшим.3. Practice Present Perfect. Make up sentences: He / choose / a book. - He has chosen a book. a) They / win / a game. b) My sister / pass / the exam. c) I / understand / the rule.
d) He / send / his e-mail. e) They / meet / their / friends. f) The librarian / help / me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

I fuking  you sister you fucing btch shut up you mum sock my dck is good!


Gucchi flip flap

a) They have won a game. b) My sister has passed the exam. c) I have understood the rule. d) He has sent his e-mail. e) They have met their friends. f) The librarian has helped me.

1)am swimming

2)is jumping

3)are playing

4)are singing

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