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CAD/CAM SYSTEMS Read the text about CAD/CAM systems and translate it into Russian:

Drawing boards and manual drawing are not always precise and rapid: traditional design is usually slow, especially in its revision and modification. For this reason manufacturing firms have replaced manual drawing with computer-aided design (CAD) to carry out functions related to design and production. This computer technology assists the designer in the creation, modification and analysis of a physical object.

Nowadays computer software can easily provide a three-dimensional drawing, which allows engineering designers to see how mechanical components may fit together without making models thus saving a lot of time. CAD is much faster and more accurate than manual drawing; designs can be quickly modified, reproduced and transmitted electronically. Computer simulated analysis of the model helps experts find problems and defects without building prototypes, in this way saving a lot of money and time. When the design is ready, the CAD system can generate the detailed drawings needed to start product manufacturing.
When CAD systems are linked to manufacturing equipment controlled by computers, they form an integrated CAD/CAM system. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) offers significant advantages over traditional approaches by controlling manufacturing equipment with computers instead of human labour. CAM converts the design of a component into computer language and it gives instructions to the computer regarding machine operations. Thanks to CAD/CAM systems it is possible to eliminate operator errors and reduce manufacturing costs.

2) Read the text again and match each sentence with its ending:
1. CAD helps designers
a. seen from any angle and are easily manipulated.
2. By using a CAD technology
b. to draw, modify and correct designs.
3. Unlike manual drawing, CAD
c. the design into computer language.
4. CAD allows us to save
d. defects can be easily found.
5. CAD designs can be
e. provides three-dimensional drawings.
6. CAM is the use of computer software f. time and money.
7. The CAM system turns
g. minimise errors and manufacturing costs.
8. CAD/CAM systems
h. to control machine tools in the manufacturing process.

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