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1.Use the words given in capitals to form new words with the help of the most appropriate prefixes and suffixes. 1) I am worry aboutproblems. ENVIRONMENT

2) My country is . BEAUTY

3) Whatinstruments do you like? MUSIC

4) Neil Armstrong is a cosmonaut FAME

2.Here is a story about George from "George's Marvelous Medicine" by Roald Dahl.

Choose the correct word underlined. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

George was (О) bored/boring to tears. He (1) didn't have/had a brother or a sister. His father was (2) a/the farmer, and they lived on the farm (3) that/who was miles away from anywhere, so there were never any children (4) to play without/to play with them. (5) Looking after/Look after his grandma wasn't the most (6) exciting/excited way to spend a Saturday morning. But he had to. George made a cup of tea and carried it (7) careful/carefully to his grandma.

Task 7. Children all over the world are fond of riding bicycles. Here are some facts from the history of bicycles. Choose the correct word underlined. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

The first bicycles (О) appeared/to appear in Europe were in the early 1800's. One kind (1) was called/called the dandy horse. It had no pedals. The rider made it go by (2) kicking/to kick the ground. Pedals (3) added/were added in 1840. The name bicycle (4) wasn't used/didn't use until the 1860's. The kind of bicycle (5) which/who we now use dates from 1885. Millions of people rely (6) on/at bikes for transportation and recreation. They follow doctors' instructions (7) who/which ask them (8) to get/get more exercise.

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