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Write at, on, in, or ✗ (nothing). 0. I get up _a_t 6.30 a.m.

1. The meeting’s __ Monday.

2. Why didn’t you come to visit me __ last year?

3. We’re seeing them __ next week.

4. Let’s go on holiday __ August.

5. My birthday’s __ 5th March.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  they deliver the post twice a day the post is delivered (by them) twice a day 2)  you never use your computer your computer is never used (by you). 3)  i am not going to the party. they have not invited me.   i am not going to the party.  i  haven't been invited (by them) 4)  they are examining the students in this class the students are being examined (by them) in the class.

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