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Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Средства массовой информации являются отражением современного мира.
2. Они влияют на обычаи, взгляды и культуру.
3. К традиционным сми относятся книги, журналы и газеты, телевидение и радио, фильмы и музыка.
4. А новые сми включают интернет блоги, социальные сети, подкасты и интернет-вещания.
5. С новых сми любой может стать журналистом при небольших затратах и с глобальной аудиторией
6. Люди находят новые сми очень привлекательными, потому что могут получить информацию в любое время, в любом месте.
7. В целом, новые сми имеют три основных преимущества.
8. Во-первых, люди могут узнать последние новости, когда и где им удобно.
9. Во-вторых, большинство онлайн контента предоставляется бесплатно, от блогов и социальных сетей до новостей и развлекательных источников.
10. Наконец, новые средства массовой информации добраться» до самых отдаленных частей земного шара.
11. СМИ играют важную роль в жизни людей.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The media are a reflection of the modern world.

2. They influence customs, attitudes and culture.

3. Traditional media includes books, magazines and newspapers, television and radio, films and music.

4. And new media includes internet blogs, social networks, podcasts, and webcasts.

5.With the help of new media, anyone can become a journalist at low cost and with a global audience

6. People find new media very attractive because they can get information anytime, anywhere.

7. In general, new media has three main advantages.

8. First, people can get the latest news whenever and wherever they want.

9. Second, most online content is free, from blogs and social media to news and entertainment sources.

10. Finally, new media are helping to reach the most remote parts of the globe.

11. The media play an important role in people's lives.

1. what images come you to mind when you hear the word “media”?

radio, tv, the net, magazines, newspapers, reporters, journalists come you to mind when i hear the word “media.”

2. what is the media?

it's like a special device with the help of which we learn about the world news.

3. do you think the media have too much power?

i think it really does. they play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.

4. what are the good and the bad things about the media in your country?

one of the bad sides is the fact that paper press has become rather expensive.

the good thing, to my mind, is that you can learn all the news at any time on the internet.

5. do you always believe the media?

as a matter of fact, no, i don't.

6. how is the today’s media different from that of 30 years ago?

of course they are greatly different. especially with the appearence of the internet. it brings people fresh news and views from all corners of the world and provids it to all social groups from businessmen, celebrities, politicians to kids and unemployed people. press flashes numerous and various knowledge in a plenty of fields and spheres: fashion, science, medicine, technology, education, etc. flash different facts and events from different and opposite points of view. and of course the internet is the quickest source of airing the news. you may read about some event right after it happens in real life. in the internet you may find out different opinions about this or that topic. and you may not wait a certain time to read to watch news, as you may check it any time. it was impossible 30 years ago

1. would you like to work for the media? - no, i wouldn't.

2. what do you think of the mass media? - mass media have always been an important information source for people.

3. why do people hear the media? - people want to be informed and to know more because to live in the modern world is impossible without expanding your knowledge in all spheres.

4. do you think the media tries to change people’s views? - sometimes they do.

5. is it a good idea for a country’s media to be controlled by the government?

fifty- to-fifty.

6. do you trust the media? unfortunately, not always, but on the whole i do.

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