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Underline the correct options. 1) Today I has been/was really busy - and it's only lunchtime!
2) I saw/have seen him a few days ago - he sends his regards.
3) Paul and Alice haven't been/were not to church lately.
4) Have you seen/Did you see Jessica ? Yes, I saw/have seen her five minutes ago.
5) Kate? No, she isn't here right now. She left/has left the office.
6) We went/have been to an interesting seminar last week.
7) We've written/wrote for many famous publications.
8) Uncle Peter has come/came to stay with us last week; he was very nice.
9) I met my friend Jenny at university and we remained/have remained friends ever since.
10) We have seen/saw a concert when we went to London.
11) The film wasn't very good. I didn't enjoy/haven't enjoyed it much.
12) I didn't use/ haven't used a computer today.
13) My sister has passed/passed her degree last year, then she got a job in London.
14) I have moved moved house two times in the last four years.

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Ответы на вопрос:

what i will do after leaving school

it is my last year at school. luckily i have already made up my mind about my future profession. i want to be an interior designer. that is why i want to go to institute of business and design. i hope to pass admission tests, and if i do, i will do my best to study well. i would like to get a second degree in economics. i enjoy learning new things and challenging myself. after graduation i hope to find a good job that will be enjoyable and well-paid. i also hope to meet my one true love and   have a family of my own. we will spend our vacations travelling to different countries.

это мой последний год в школе. к счастью, я уже принял(а) решение о своей будущей профессии. я хочу быть дизайнером интерьера. вот почему я хочу учиться в институте бизнеса и дизайна. я надеюсь пройти вступительные испытания, и если я это сделаю, я приложу все усилия, чтобы учиться хорошо. я хотел(а) бы получить второе высшее () образование. мне нравится изучать новые вещи и бросать вызов себе. после окончания учебы я надеюсь найти хорошую работу, которая будет интересной и хорошо оплачиваемой. я также надеюсь встретить мою единственную настоящую любовь и создать собственную семью. мы будем проводить отпуска, путешествуя по разным странам.

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